Annual Exhibit
Stewards of the Earth
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Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it;
and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air
and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. Genesis 2
The "Permission" for exploitation of the earth is now understood as a directive to care for or manage the earth as stewards.
For this exhibit, then, artists were challenged to create art from materials that would ordinarily have been discarded and become landfill/pollutants or to represent instances of rebuilding or re-purposing existing structures.
In such a way, we call attention to the need to examine our consumtion habits and re-think how we manage our "post consumer" resources for the good of the planet and the generations to come.


Two play areas, one for younger children, one for the older ones on a cushioned poured surface. Picnic tables and benches amid landscaping. Thank you to Novak Construction.

Plans for the play area for Saint Luke Academy



Forms for the outer play surface ring

Pouring the outer ring

The play surface outer ring

Connecting the electricity for lighting

Preparing to pour cement

Marked for connections

Smoothing the cement

Beginning drainage system

Drainage connections

Bringing electrical service from the school

A fence around the play area

Cement sidewalks and the underlayer of crushed stone

X marks the spots

The equipment arrives

Some assembly required

Setting the poles into the ground

The first section goes up

The structure begins to take shape

All parts in place

The soft surface is poured

picnic tables and benches

equipment on the soft surface

Adding landscaping - wildflowers


Two play areas, one for younger children, one for the older ones on a cushioned poured surface. Picnic tables and benches amid landscaping. Thank you to Novak Construction.