Rites of the Church
Contact the Church Office (773-472-3383) to arrange dates or to set up a schedule of instruction for adults and older children.
First Communion
At Saint Luke Church, children may commune at any age, generally when they are able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the sacrament and willingness to participate regularly in this new dimension in their life of faith. Parents and children meet with the pastor for educational sessions after which the child is invited to assume his role as a communicant member. Contact the Church Office (773-472-3383) to set up an appointment.
Students in Grade 7 who are interested in receiving confirmation instruction register in the church office. Saint Luke Academy students receive instruction as part of the religion curriculum in their classroom. Students attending other schools receive instruction in Sunday morning classes.
The Rite of Confirmation, the public affirmation of baptism, occurs within a regular service of Holy Communion, usually on the Sunday immediately preceding the observance of the Feast of the Ascension.
Contact the Church Office (773-472-3383) to set date and arrange pre-marital counseling series.
Contact the Church Office (773-472-3383) to discuss end-of life planning or to arrange for burial services.